Following India’s five-wicket loss to Pakistan at the ongoing Asia Cup 2022, Arshdeep Singh was at the receiving end of the furious Indian fans. Though after bowling a fabulous last over, defending 7 runs. Arshdeep dropped an important catch in the 18th over of Pakistan’s innings. Singh dropped Asif Ali‘s catch in the covers in the Super 4 clash while the former were chasing a target of 182. Following this, the parents of pacer Arshdeep Singh offered words of support and encouragement to their son and the entire India team. They added that the family is taking all the comments on the internet in a “positive way“.
Arshdeep became the target of vicious online trolling after he dropped the crucial catch. Arshdeep’s father Darshan Singh said that the family was watching the match.
“Everyone wants their team to win. When it does not happen, fans take out their anger on players through their words. We are taking this all in a positive manner. The match was pretty nice,”
Also Read: Know Why Arshdeep Singhโs Wikipedia page got removed
Arshdeep unaffected of the toxic comments on Social media
Darshan said that he has talked to Arshdeep and he is currently unaffected by the comments on the internet. He is rather looking towards the next game against Sri Lanka. And focusing on the positives and negatives of the previous game.
Pacer’s mother Daljeet Kaur also said that though the match against Pakistan was lost, it is normal for mistakes to happen.
People’s work is to talk. If they criticise a player, they do so because they love him and want him to do good. We are taking it (comments on the internet) positively. We were praying that Arshdeep would stop those two runs. Dropped catches are a part of the game. But he made up for it in the next over,”
Arshdeep’s parents hope that India and Pakistan meet for the third time in the final of the Asia Cup