Garena Free Fire has the Greatest character Universe in the mobile battle royale genre with each character equipped with unique abilities. Characters like Dj Alok, kuwong rule the hearts of players. So, Here in this article, Let’s have a look at who is the best character in Free Fire for February 2022.
Developers keep expanding the Free Fire character category by introducing new characters with every OB patch update. The recent addition to the Game is Nairi added in the OB31 patch update, Now free fire ruled out a New Update OB32. Let us take a look at who is the best character in Free Fire for February 2022 among SKYLER v/s NAIRI Characters.
Skyler is a CEO and a superstar as per his in-game description given by Garena free fire. Whereas, his in-game ability is named ‘Riptide Rhythm‘.

It is an active ability that once triggered releases a sonic wave that destroys 5 gloo walls within a 50-meter range. It also recovers 4HP with each gloo wall deployed in the game. This ability gives Skyler a huge advantage and it is very easy to spot the enemies in the absence of a gloo wall.
Thus, the ability makes Skyler the best at breaking down gloo walls in combat. The bonus ability to actively heal also allows the user to be self-reliant during a gunfight. Combining these two traits, the character is well-suited as an aggressive rusher in Free Fire.
SKYLER level up Game
LEVEL | Required fragments | Description | Rewards |
1 | NONE | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 50m. CD 60s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in a 4 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | NA |
2 | 100 | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 58m. CD 58s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in a 5 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | NA |
3 | 500 | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 67m. CD 55s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in 6 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | Play card |
4 | 1500 | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 77m. CD 51s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in 7 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | NA |
5 | 2500 | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 88m. CD 46s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in 8 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | NA |
6 | 5000 | Unleash a sonic wave forward that damages 5 Gloo Walls within 100m. CD 40s. Also, each Gloo Wall deployed will result in a 9 HP recovery. Recovery effects do not stack. | Skyler’s Banner |
ALSO READ : Free Fire OB32 Update: What Are All The Changes Made In Free Fire After The New Update?
Nairi was the character introduced in the Free Fire OB31 update. He is a storm chaser who researches climate technology. He has a special in-game ability called ‘Ice Iron‘.

It is a passive ability in which once this ability is focused on the Gloo Walls. After the ability, the Gloo wall recovers 20% of its current durability every 1 second for 20 seconds. Once this ability is equipped players can deal extra 25% damage on Gloo Walls using ARs on the (Level 1). This ability is more strategy-based and can be used when the enemies are rushing on the ally squadmates.
Thus, the ability makes Nairi, the user to play both defensively and aggressively in Free Fire. The extra gloo wall durability is great for long-drawn battles, while the bonus damage is useful when rushing the enemy.
How to use Nairi’s Ice Iron ability in Garena Free Fire?
There are three ways in which using Nairi in Garena Free Fire can give gamers a huge boost.
- In Clash Squad mode, where there are restrictions on gloo walls, Nairi’s ability can come in handy and add durability to the walls, offering more protection.One of the key ways to use Nairi is deploying the 360-degree gloo wall strategy.
- Players often use this strategy when low on health. They surround themselves with gloo walls and get that extra precious time to heal and prepare a fight-back strategy. Nairi’s ability to gloo walls means players have a better chance to heal and get out of the combat unharmed.Gloo walls are excellent in preparing a rushing strategy.
- Players use gloo walls to rush towards the enemy without taking damage. Nairi’s ability is custom-made to allow players that extra advantage while rushing.
SKYLER v/s NAIRI Character: Final VERDICT
When we take a look at both Skyler and Nairi’s abilities it is clear that both of them are gloo wall centric although one of them is active while another one is passive respectively. Where Skyler can destroy the gloo walls and provide HP regeneration with each gloo wall deployed.
Nairi strengthens the gloo wall and increases gloo walls’ damage while using ARs. However, Skyler’s ability is more powerful and effective making it a winner in this Skyler vs Nairi ability comparison.