Former Indian bowler Harbhajan Singh was involved in the biggest IPL controversy in IPL 2008. Pacer Sreesanth of the Kings XI Punjab was seen crying after the match. It after came to everyone’s notice that Bhajji had slapped him. Sree was consoled by his teammates as he broke down. Resultantly, IPL banned Harbhajan from the remainder of the season. After 14 years of the incident, both the cricketers spoke about the incident. At Glance LIVE Fest, Harbhajan Singh opened up about the ‘Slapgate’ incident with Sreesanth. He admitted his mistake and talked about how he still repents it.
Watch: Harbhajan Singh and Sreesanth discuss the infamous ‘Slapgate’ incident
โWhat happened was wrong. I made a mistake. Because of me, my teammate had to face embarrassment. I was embarrassed. If I had to correct one mistake, it was how I treated Sreesanth on the field. It should not have had happened. When I think about it, I feel there was no need.โ
Harbhajan Singh
Earlier, Sreesanth in a conversation denied any conflict between the two. The two went on to play for India together in important title-winning runs of T20 WC 2007 and ODI WC 2011.
โIt was all sorted and thanks to Sachin paaji (Sachin Tendulkar), you guys play in the same team, I said absolutely fine, Iโll go and meet him. We met and had dinner on the same night but the media took it to the next level. Iโm absolutely fine with Bhajji paa. Heโs changed a lot. Iโve in public also he has said โSree tu kahi bhi ho yaar, maaf kardeโ (Sree, wherever you are, please forgive me). He was always my elder brother, maybe at that point of time it was different but he will always be a legend.”
S Sreesanth