Finally, it seems the controversy is nearing its end after two months. As Urvashi Rautela, the Bollywood actress, has apologised to Rishabh Pant in her latest interview. The whole episode began when Urvashi Rautela revealed some boisterous details of the incident when Rishabh Pant, whom she called ” Mr RP“, came to meet her. We don’t claim the credibility of her statements, but her interview did grab a certain amount of attention which the whole of Bollywood thrives for.
The duo then previously exchanged some words on social media but nothing was too direct. Now, with Urvashiโs apology, the ball is once again in Rishabh Pant‘s court and it will be interesting to see how the Indian wicket-keeper batter reacts.
Also Read: Urvashi Rautela vs Naseem Shah Controversy Explanation
Instagram can’t keep calm seeing Urvashi apologise
Urvashi initially exhibited a bewildered expression when Urvashi was asked to deliver a message for Rishabh Pant while speaking to media organisation ‘Instant Bollywood’. The 28-year-old afterwards apologised to Rishabh Pant before leaving. All I have to say is. Do I say anything? I am at a loss for words. Sorry. The actress stated, folding her hands and saying, “I’m sorry. Instagram users found it humorous, and social media discussions have resumed. Although the future appears uncertain, it appears that this will be the book’s final chapter.
Check out: Urvashi Rautela hits back at Rishabh Pant; Posts a taunting message
Urvashi’s another incident with Naseem Shah
For some time now, Urvashi Rautela has been the subject of much discussion. The internet has been in a frenzy since the Bollywood actress posted a video of herself and the young Pakistani pacer Naseem Shah. The two were once more the subject of relationship rumours, but the 19-year-old refuted any connection with Urvashi and even denied recognising her
โI don’t know who Urvashi is. I only focus on my match. People usually send me videos but I have no idea. I have nothing special in me but I thank people who come to watch cricket and give a lot of respect,โ
Naseem said in an interview
The former Miss India Universe later clarified that it is her team who put a random video on her Instagram story.