Indian young gun Prithvi Shaw has failed to clear the yo-yo test ahead of the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) that begins on March 26. However, it will not stop him from featuring in the world’s biggest franchise cricket league the IPL for the Delhi Capitals. He was one of the players to attend the BCCI camp for the cricketers at the NCA between March 5 and March 14 to assess their injuries and fitness. The players had to undergo fitness tests at the end of the camp, before joining their IPL teams. BCCI’s prescribed minimum score on the yo-yo test is supposedly 16.5 for men, and Shaw scored less than 15.
“These are just fitness updates. Obviously, It doesnโt stop Prithvi from playing for Delhi Capitals in IPL. Itโs just a fitness parameter and not the be-all and end-all. He has played three Ranji matches back-to-back. Once you play three first-class games on the bounce, the fatigue can also affect your yo-yo score. “
The BCCI source said, according to the New Indian Express
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Is Fitness Shaw’s new opponent?
Prithvi Shaw captains the Mumbai side in the Ranji trophy. He has played three consecutive Ranji matches but couldnโt play a significant role with the bat. He only scored 107 runs in four innings with an average of 26.75. Defending his low Yo-Yo test score BCCI source replied that Shawโs fitness might have been compromised in the test due to fatigue. Shaw played consecutive red-ball matches in the domestic circuit. Moreover, the youngster also has not been the most desirable choice regarding selection in the National team by the selectors. Perhaps, his low fitness level is the reason for not being considered to play for the national side. The team management even preferred Mayank Agarwal as a better replacement than him in the limited-overs format. The reason seems now clear as Shaw’s fitness issues is now hindering his way in reaching his full potential.
“If Prithvi is not being repeatedly considered, then perhaps his fitness standards arenโt up to the mark, as in what is expected of a Team India player,”
the source stated
Let’s see what IPL has in store for Prithvi Shaw as the stage is set. The show begins for him on March 27th as the Delhi Capitals take on the Mumbai Indians.