Days after retiring from all forms of cricket, Harbhajan Singh has dropped a bombshell by claiming that some officials from Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) were responsible for his early exit from the Indian national team. Harbhajan Singh also speaks up on strong backing Dhoni received from BCCI. The legend spinner has opened up about the treatment he received from some BCCI officials. Some days back, he announced his retirement from all forms of cricket.
As the legendary spinner begins a new chapter in his life, he appears to be breaking the shackles about his journey with the Indian cricket team. In a recent statement, he revealed that some BCCI officials and MS Dhoni were responsible for his exit from the Indian Team despite taking wickets.
“Luck has always favored me. Just some external factors were not by my side and maybe, they were completely against me. This is because of the way I was bowling or the rate at which I was moving ahead. I was 31 when I took 400 wickets and if I would have played another 4-5 years, keeping in mind the kind of standards I had set for myself, I can tell you that I would have taken another 100-150 wickets or more.
Yes. MS Dhoni was the captain then but I think this thing was above Dhoni’s head. To a certain extent, there were some BCCI officials who were involved in this and they didn’t want me and the captain may have supported that but a captain can never be above the BCCI. The BCCI officials have always been bigger than the captain, coach, or the team.”
Harbhajan told Zee News
“Dhoni had better backing than other players”
Harbhajan Singh also speaks up on strong backing Dhoni received. He pointed out the unmatched support Dhoni got from the BCCI officials.
โDhoni had better backing than other players and if the rest of the players would have got the same kind of backing, then they would have played as well. It wasnโt as if the rest of the players forgot to swing a bat or didnโt know how to bowl all of a sudden.”
Harbhajan Singh
When asked about his opinion about the recent controversy between Virat Kohli and Sourav Ganguly on ODI captaincy, Harbhajan politely refused to divulge the details. He further stated that it could have been handled better.
“Can’t say what happened between Virat Kohli and Sourav Ganguly. I can only tell you what I have gone through and that things could have been handled in a better way. Big players deserve respect,”
Former Indian off spinner
Also Read: Big breaking! Harbhajan Singh announces retirement from all forms of cricket
“Want a biopic on my Story”
Harbhajan also wanted a biopic to be made on his life so that people can hear his side of story as well. When asked about who will play the role of villain, the two time World Cup winner revealed a shocking detail.
โI would like a film or a web series made on my life so that people can also know my side of the story, what kind of a guy I am and what I do. Canโt say who would be the villain in my biopic. There is not one but many.โ