The Indian cricket board has taken a big step to eliminate gender-based bias present in the game. On Thursday, BCCI secretary Jay Shah announced that the Indian Women Cricketers will get a salary at par with their male counterparts. In his statement expressed on Twitter, Shah quoted the move as BCCI’s step towards “tackling discrimination.”
In his tweets, Shah stated, “Iโm pleased to announce BCCIโs first step towards tackling discrimination. We are implementing pay equity policy for our contracted BCCI Women cricketers. The match fee for both Men and Women Cricketers will be the same as we move into a new era of gender equality in Indian Cricket.”
Moreover, he elaborated on the pay scale in another tweet specifying the similarity in both the team’s salary slate. “The BCCI Women cricketers will be paid the same match fee as their male counterparts. Test (INR 15 lakhs), ODI (INR 6 lakhs), T20I (INR 3 lakhs). Pay equity was my commitment to our women cricketers and I thank the Apex Council for their support. Jai Hind,” he tweeted.
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BCCI Introduces Uniform Pay For The Men and Women Cricket Team
The Indian women’s cricket team has put out immensely impressive performances lately. The Harmanpreet Kaur-led team brought a Silver in the Birmingham Commonwealth Games. Moreover, in their latest achievement, the Indian team won the 2022 Asia Cup in Bangladesh. However, till now, the team has lagged behind in seeing the support from both the audience and board like the Men’s Cricket Team witnesses.
However, the Board has now announced their first step towards setting the same ground for both the Indian teams. And as for the fans, the consistently impressive performances by the Women’s team have caused the audience to amp up their support for the team. The board is garnering massive appreciation for their latest move from all spheres of society. The decision has come days after BCCI transitioned to a new President with Roger Binny replacing Sourav Ganguly.