The Monthly Royal pass is one of the popular items in the BGMI. Millions of players purchase a royal pass every month. Some players buy the Elite pass variant and some buy the Elite pass plus variant in the game. We all know Cycle 2 season 6 Monthly 11 Royal pass arrived 3 weeks ago. This has made way for the EZ license holders to unlock their week 4 missions as they are eligible to unlock them a week earlier. While many players are familiar with the week 4 RP missions, there is one mission related to the clan battle event about which players are a little confused and need guidance.

Steps to obtain 50 Contribution points from Clan battle event
The week 4 RP missions were unlocked on June 3, 2022. Although most of the week 4 missions are easy and repetitive, there is one mission players are confused about. The week 4 mission of obtaining the 50 contribution points during the clan battle event is new to players.
Also Read: Top 5 best guns in BGMI
Steps to get Contribution points
1. Players need to join a clan first and then participate in the Clan battle event
2. After that players are required to play 4 matches every day and complete the 3 required missions available for each match. Players can obtain a total of 18 contribution points from each match. Thus, players can complete the mission of obtaining 50 contribution points in one day also.
Moreover, at the end of day 13, players in the winning clan will be rewarded with a permanent paratrooper’s parachute, two classic crate coupons, and a hundred AG currency. Meanwhile, players of the losing clan will also get a time-limited Paratrooper’s parachute, 10 classic crate scraps, and fifty AG currency. So, it’s a win-win situation for both the clans.
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