The Vizag city police have arrested eight persons for allegedly being involved in online betting during the ongoing IPL matches. The police raided a rented duplex house in Tirumala Nagar under Duvvada police station limits in the city on Sunday night. Inspector of Duvvada Police Station T. Lakshmi said that the arrested are natives of Raipur and Bhilai of Chhattisgarh. But these men were currently staying in a rented accommodation in the city.
โBased on credible information, we have conducted a raid and recovered 20 mobile phones, two laptops and a few other electronic devices and some cash from the gang,โ
she added
Online Payments- a new weapon for betters
Posing as employees of a few private firms, the gang led by Pradeep from Bhilai reportedly hired a house for โน30,000 per month for conducting the betting operations. They procured Multi-Level Communicator equipment boxes from Delhi for communicating with the punters. They were accessing the latest information on bets and rates from various websites. The investigation has revealed that the gang used to accept the bets through various online payment modes and Unified Payment Interface. And were also paying back the money to the winners in the same way. The gang was also involved in online trading, the inspector said.
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A senior police officer from the City Task Force said that the organisers of the cricket betting gangs have now stopped accepting payment in the form of cash.
This is the fourth such incident of betting racket in a month.