The Indian leg spinner ‘Rahul Chahar’ is set to tie knots with his fiancee ‘Ishani’ in a destination wedding at Goa. Rahul and Ishani have been dating each other for a long time until they decided to do the engagement in 2019. In the IPL mega auction which was held a month ago, Rahul got 5.25 crore to play for Punjab Kings. A couple of years back Rahul’s elder Brother ‘Deepak Chahar’ proposed to his girlfriend In an IPL game in 2020 which caught everyone’s eyes.
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Some players tend to hide their love life from the public but it was not the case with Rahul Chahar, He used to regularly post pictures of his beautiful fiancee on social media. Their wedding is going to be a destination wedding at goa on the eve of 9th march and later they will be throwing a reception party in Agra. Brother Deepak Chahar and sister Malti Chahar are also going to be part of the wedding ceremony on Wednesday.
Rahul chahar on his instagram post
Ishani is a fashion designer by profession. She has been spotted several times in the stadiums to support her fiance when he used to play for Mumbai Indians. Families of both of the couples have also reached goa attend the wedding and complete the pre-wedding rituals. The Indian leg spinner was also included in the T20 world cup squad of 2021 though he didn’t get a chance to get featured in important matches. IPL is about to kick start on the 27th of march and Rahul would be eagerly waiting to perform in the gala event without any external pressure. Hopefully, his wife to be will also be there to support him.
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