Those who play Minecraft know that Wither is the only boss or mini-boss in the game that does not spawn naturally. These scary, destructive creatures can be created using only four pieces of soul sand and three wither skeleton skulls in the overworld. The only source of the nether star item are these mobs, which are crucial to crafting a beacon in the game. After being defeated these Withers will drop a single nether star as well as fifty points of experience. However, to obtain this rare item, players must first be able to create and spawn a wither. Let us discuss the steps to build a wither in Minecraft.

3 Simple steps to build a Wither in Minecraft 1.19
Step 1. Collect Materials to build a Wither in Minecraft
It is very easy to collect the materials that are required to assemble this boss mob. Besides, all the materials that are needed for this build can be easily found in the Nether. Players need to collect 4 blocks of soul sand from the Nether or soul sand valley. These blocks generate in bulk, so it is easy to collect at least 4 pieces to create the Wither.
Moreover, the only other material required to build this boss mob is Winter skeleton skulls. These winter skeletons have a 2.5% chance of dropping one of their skulls after being killed by a tamed wolf or by a player. However, this chance can be increased up to 5.5% with the enchantment, Looting III. Once all the materials are collected by the player, it’s time to start building the Wither.
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Step 2. Crate T- Shape
The shape that is required to assemble the soul sand to create this boss mob is identical to the formation of blocks required to create an Iron Golem. However, it is recommended that players should begin building this boss mob away from their house or any area of value in their world. Once the boss spawns, it will release a devastating explosion as well as start shooting explosive skulls at the player and other mobs in the nearby area.
Moreover, after finding the right place to spawn and fight this mob, one soul sand will be placed on the bottom with 3 in a horizontal row directly above it.
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Step 3. Place Skulls
After assembling the soul sand, place the three wither skeleton skulls on top. The skulls can be placed facing any direction, as long as there are 3 skulls on top of each of the 3 blocks of soul sand. The structure will spawn a Winter immediately after placing the skulls down.
So, this is how you can build a Wither in Minecraft 1.19
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