Wraith is one of the most popular characters in the Apex Legends. She has an extensive backstory and unique playstyle which makes her fans first pick in the game for good reason. If the players know how to take full advantage of her abilities, Wraith can be one of the strongest characters in the game. She can travel through dimensions, hiding from enemies and helping her allies to travel through portals to quickly reach different areas of the map. Wraith can be very tricky to use at first. However, with enough practice, players can master her abilities to win the game. let’s discuss how to play Wraith in Apex Legends.

How to play Wraith: Tips and tricks
Passive: Voices from the void
With voices from the void, she can hear voices alerting her of her surroundings and nearby enemies. With this ability, Wraith is notified every time if she is being aimed at or if there is any trap nearby, if there are enemies in the area or if enemies have died nearby. Voices from the void won’t reveal the exact location of an enemy but they will provide important information to Wraith that can help her avoid an ambush.
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Tactical: Into the void
Wraith’s real power lies in her tactical, which grants her the ability to become temporarily invisible and invincible. The ability requires a 2nd channel, during which she moves slowly. Wraith then enters the void for 4 seconds, gaining a 30 percent movement buff and becoming invincible. This ability comes with a few drawbacks. Into the void has a 25-second cooldown and it can’t be canceled once activated. Also, Wraith can’t shoot or interact with many things while in the void.
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Ultimate: Dimensional rift
Wraith’s ultimate ability is that she can place a portal that allows both her teammates and enemies to travel short distances. However, she has a limited amount of distance to place the portal, as indicated by a yellow energy bar while casting the ability. During the casting time, she is also susceptible to enemy attacks plus she can’t shoot or throw grenades. Using this ability of Wraith requires a high knowledge of the map which comes with time and practice.
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