Veteran Bollywood actor Ashish Vidyarthi tied the knot with Rupali Barua. They held their wedding in a private ceremony in Kolkata. The couple have an age difference of 10 years. They had a registry marriage in a club in Kolkata. The couple’s wedding pictures have gone viral all over the social media and have caught fans by surprise. Let’s see in detail about Ashish Vidyarthi new wife and know more about Rupali Barua.
Who is Rupali Barua?
Rupali Barua, aged 50, is an entrepreneur who actively works in the fashion industry. She works with a well-known fashion store in Kolkata named NAMEG. Rupali hails from Guwahati, Assam and currently resides in Kolkata. She is not very active on social media platforms and people do not know much about her. Also Read: Who is Dusty Baker Wife? Know all about Melissa
How did Rupali Barua and Ashish Vidyarthi meet?
In an interview to TOI, Rupali Barua revealed that they met sometime ago in Kolkata and decided to take it further. Ashish used to frequently visit Kolkata for his vlogs. The couple admire each other a lot and Ashish described his better half as, “beautiful human being and a great soul to be with,” in an interview with TOI.The couple got married in a private and intimate ceremony, which was attended only by their close friends and family members in Kolkata.
Vidyarthi was previously married to Rajoshi Barua, who is the daughter of actor Shakuntala Barua. Ashish and Rajoshi have a son, Arth Vidyarthi, from their marriage. Also Read: Who is Khabib Nurmagomedov Wife? Know all about Patimat
This was an article about Ashish Vidyarthi new wife, Rupali Barua. Hope you liked the article.
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